
Geology & Mining

S NO Service Name Documents Required Fee Apply Here
01 Application for Short-Term
Permit / Disposal Permit (STP1)
1. The Processing Fees is Rs.2,000 (Rupees Two Thousand Only). Fees can be paid only using
payment options like Net Banking, Credit Card, Debit Card, etc. Payment Gateway Charges are
payable in addition to processing fees.
2. Following files are required to be submitted during the application process. Revenue papers to be
uploaded in English language only (duly authenticated by competent authority from Revenue
1. Consent of owner of the land in case of proprietary land, consent of the Department
concerned in case of Departmental land and by the consent of Revenue Department in case of
State land or any other Officer of the Department duly authorized by the said Department
2. PAN Card
3. Aadhaar Card
4. Geo Coordinated site plan duly authenticated by revenue department
5. Any other supporting document
6. NOC from Deputy Commissioner Concerned
7. NOC from Irrigation and Flood Control
8. NOC form Fisheries
9. NOC from Forest
10. NOC from Wildlife
11. NOC from PHE, etc
3. Application for Short Term Permit or Disposal Permit shall be made to Officer Incharge in the
Form of STP1 and shall be accompanied by Fee of Rs.2,000.
Every Application shall be accompanied by the description of the land giving location of the area
from where excavation of mineral shall be made and shall be accompanied by the consent of owner
of the land in case of proprietary land, consent of the department concerned in case of
departmental land and by the consent of Revenue Department in case of State land or any other
officer of the department duly authorized by the said department.
An area less than one hectares and not covered under any other mineral concession granted under
these rules for the excavation of specified quantity of minor minerals for a specified period on
advance payment of royalty. However, disposal permit may be given on an area exceeding one
Short Term Permit, up to one hectare shall be granted only to residents of Jammu and Kashmir.
However, in case of Government works and emergent nature works, Short Term Permit shall be
granted to the Central/State Government Institution such as BRO, NHAI, CPWD, JKPCC, etc.
4. Short Term Permit or Disposal Permit may be granted for a specified period not exceeding 3
months at one time for a specified quantity only
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02 Application for grant and renewal of Mineral Dealer License (MD1) 1. The Processing Fees is Rs.1000 (Rupees One Thousand Only). Fees can be paid only using
payment options like Net Banking, Credit Card, Debit Card, etc.
2. Following files are required to be submitted during the application process. Revenue papers to be
uploaded in English language only (duly authenticated by competent authority from Revenue
· Location map showing the exact location of the stock yard or otherwise, the survey number
and other details of the area proposed to be used as stockyard where the applicant intends to
store and conduct the sale of the minerals or its products.
· Proof of ownership or lease agreement and possession of the property of land proposed to be
used as stockyard by the applicant.
· Other documents in support of claim in respect of the Application.
3. After issue of LoI, License Fees of Rs.5,000 (Rupees Five Thousand Only and guarantee amount as
per Schedule-III of SRO 105) to be paid. Fees can be paid only using payment options like Net
Banking, Credit Card, Debit Card, etc.
  Click Here
03 Application for grant/renewal of Quarry license for Private land (QL1) 1. The Processing Fees is Rs.5000 (Rupees Five Thousand Only). Fees can be paid only using payment
options like Net Banking, Credit Card, Debit Card, etc.
2. Following files are required to be submitted during the application process. Revenue papers to be
uploaded in English language only (duly authenticated by competent authority from Revenue
1. Site plan of the applied area along with coordinates
2. Revenue extracts of the applied area along with last Jamabandi position
3. No Demand Certificate of the Department
4. The consent of owner or occupier of the applied area
5. PAN Card
6. Aadhaar Card
7. In case the applicant is firm, following documents are required to be uploaded, whichever
applicable –
o Certificate of Firm’s Registration
o Partnership Deed
o Power of Attorney
o Certificate of Incorporation
o Memorandum of Articles
o Articles of Association
o Consent of Directors/Partners about applying for Quarry License
8. NOC from District Commissioner Concerned
9. NOC from Irrigation and Flood Control
10. NOC form Fisheries
11. NOC from Forest / Protected area and eco-sensitive zone
12. NOC form PHE, etc
3. After issue of LoI, following files/documents are required to be submitted –
· Approved mining plan
· Environment Clearance Certificate
· Consent to Operate Certificate
· Security Deposit Fifty Thousand per hectare are part thereof
· Financial assurance amount are as Twenty Five Thousand per hectare
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04 Application for Grant of Mining Lease for Private Land
i.e. In case the minerals are not deposited in State land
1. The Processing Fees is Rs.50,000 (Rupees Fifty Thousand Only) non-refundable. Fees can be paid
only using payment options like Net Banking, Credit Card, Debit Card, etc.
2. Following files are required to be submitted during the application process. Revenue papers to be
uploaded in English language only (duly authenticated by competent authority of Revenue
1. Plan of the area on suitable scale connecting one or more of the corner pillars with a fixed
reference point in vicinity with accurate bearings and distances and descriptions of the area
applied for and incorporated with title verification of the land.
2. No Due Certificate from officer authorized by the Government in this behalf:
Provided that where any injunction has been issued by the Court or any other authority staying
recovery of any dues, the non-payment thereof shall not be treated as a disqualification for the
purpose of granting or renewing the lease.
Provided further that No Due Certificate shall not be required where a person has furnished an
affidavit certified by a Civil Court to the satisfaction of the Department stating that he or any
member of his family does not or did not hold a mining lease or any other type of mineral
concession and no dues of the Department are outstanding against him or any member of his
3. Affidavit giving particulars of mineral-wise areas already held under mining lease/prospecting
licence/quarry licence,-
(a) by the applicant; or
(b) with any person having joint interest; or
(c) already granted but not yet executed/registered; or
(d) already applied but not yet granted
4. Income Tax Clearance Certificate / income tax return of the previous year
5. PAN Card
6. Aadhaar Card
7. In case the applicant is firm –
o An individual, upload proof of his qualifications and experience relating to mining
o A company, an attested copy of the certificate of registration of the company shall be
o A firm or Association, the permanent residence certificate of all the partners of the
firm, or members of the association
8. Site Plan along with Geo-Coordinates duly authenticated by Revenue Department
9. NOC from Deputy Commissioner Concerned
10. NOC from Irrigation and Flood Control
11. NOC form Fisheries
12. NOC from Forest
13. NOC from Wildlife
14. NOC from PHE, etc
3. After issue of LoI, following files are required to be submitted –
· Approved mining plan
· Environment Clearance Certificate
· Consent to Operate Certificate
· One Lakh per hectare as security in the shape of FDR
· Twenty Five Thousand per hectare are part of as a guarantee amount
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05 Mining Lessee Monthly Return (ML8) Rule 38(4) of SRO 105 dted 31 March 2016   Click Here
06 Mining Lessee Annual Return (ML9)  Rule 38(4) of SRO 105 dted 31 March 2016   Click Here
07 Mineral Dealer/Licensee Monthly Return (MD8)  Rule 38(4) of SRO 105 dted 31 March 2016   Click Here