
Rural Development and Panchayati Raj

Jammu and Kashmir Government is committed to provide a transparent, clean and responsive administration to the people of state who are its citizens. The Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj is responsible for implementing Poverty Alleviation Programmes and other Socio-Economic developmental schemes for rural upliftment and for strengthening institutions of local self government i.e. Panchayats. The objective of Rural Development is to provide responsive, accountable, transparent and people friendly administration. To achieve this objective the department of Rural Development is endeavoring to:-

  • Generate employment opportunities by way of implementing various employment generation schemes.
  • Provide rural infrastructure i.e. rural roads, school buildings, rural huts, paths, Lanes & Drains community Medical centres, Animal care centres, Common facility centres, tanks ponds etc.
  • Raise the standard of living in rural areas by ways of implementing poverty alleviation programmes effectively and efficiently.
  • Decentralize the process of planning by giving Panchayats liberty to administer their own matters at Panchayat level and at village level.
  • Promote peoples participation in the developmental process.
  • Capacity building by way of imparting training at various levels to the elected representatives and the officers and officials of the Department.
  • Bring Transparency and Accountability in administration by way of constituting vigilance cells in each district.
  • Devolution of Financial and Administrative powers to Panchayats.
  • Provide Information System and connect all Panchayats through NICs.
  • Provide healthy and clean environment by launching & implementing Total Sanitation campaign in all the Districts of the province.